Thursday, April 21, 2005

Mankind Nears Perfection

One more of the mysterious mysteries of the world have been solved!

This marks the end of those dastardly unpopped popcorn kernel bastards. No longer will we be standing next to the microwave yelling, 'Pop, damn you! Pop!' Followed, of course, by, 'Aww, man! It burned.' I guess that's for another study.

So, yeah, I didn't realize there was so much science behind popcorn. I'm going to have to wait for a special on PBS to fully understand this one. Where's Allan Alda when you need him?

Hey, whatever happened to that old show from the '80's Newton's Apple, I used to love that show.

1 comment:

Matt J. Duffy said...

Ira Flatow was aweome.