Monday, May 02, 2005

Miss Jumbo Queen

Well, what do you know? In my last post I asked if there would be just such a pageant, and there is!!

While this version of my Miss Overweight (as long as its glandular) does perhaps show that being big is beautiful, the event has a the added bonus of 'rais[ing] awareness and money for Thailand's dwindling elephant population,' a noble cause for everyone, skinny and chubby alike.

To repeat the same idea as my previous post, I don't care how big you are, and how big you are should not identify you as a person. People should identify themselves with what is important in there lives.

As for me, I'm a social worker wanting to be something else. I live with my girlfriend, and we are happy.

1 comment:

Matt J. Duffy said...

Were they trying to be ironic when choosing what charity to support?