Thursday, May 05, 2005

Twin Yokes

Today is my birthday. I celebrated with eggs for breakfast. Actually, eggs taste really good the morning after a long night in smoky bars. When I got a double yoke from my first egg, I thought it good luck and moved to the next egg. When the second egg also had a double yoke I thought it a miracle. 'Great Day in the Morn!' I bellowed triumphantly from my balcony to all the busy bodies down below.

I'm pretty sure my pair of double yokes is a sign from the gods that all is well and they are pleased with me on my progress and growth in the past year.

Dr. Karl thinks differently, however. Dr. Karl explains that folklore tells us that 'a double-yolked egg is... unlucky, because it implies an imminent death in your family.' I hope this bit of folklore proves wrong. Or perhaps one negates the other, does that happen?

So be careful today, but don't forget to celebrate.


Tiffany Duffy said...

Happy Birthday to you... old man!

Ann L. Duffy said...

Happy b-day, lucky guy. Double yolks is definitely a sign of good luck, higher cholestorol, and sunny expectations. That's you to a t. :-)

Matt J. Duffy said...

Hey man, try to blog more than once a week, pls.