Thursday, July 13, 2006

One year later

Alright, alright, alright...

So I'm going to try and breathe life into this thing one last time. Inspired by my girlfriend, who just started her own blog (again) I think the time is right for a revival. A reunion tour if you will. And this time around, hopefully I'll stick with it.

My job has progressed to allow me some free time (shhh...) so again I should have some opportunity to put my thoughts together, and search the internet... I have become a loyal reader of I don't plan on being that interesting, but maybe with a little luck, who knows?

So real quick, the blog didn't survive last year... the notebook is floating around lost somewhere gathering dust... and everything I've written in the past year has started with "whatever happened to...." So here's to writing, about anything, anything at all. Me, my girlfriend, politics, music, life, the world, Abe Vagoda... it's all fair game. Wish me luck.

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