Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Cat

So yeah... we got a cat. I'm allergic to cats. Right now my hand is all swollen up from scratches. My hand is all scratched up from playing with the cat... I can't resist. Anyways, I refuse to call it Cleo, Tiffany's pick, so for now I'm still calling it 'cat,' but I'm open to suggestions...

How about 'Batman'?


Anonymous said...

We're not calling her Batman.

Martha said...

Congratulations on finally giving in to the cuteness that is a cat!

I suggest....

Ewe, so when you call here you can say 'Come here Ewe'

Princess, cause that what she thinks she is

Sweetness, cause most times she is
Shitball, cause the rest of time you will refer to her as this anyways

OK seriously, picking a name is the hardest part. Something will stick, just be sure you pick something that both of you agree on. Otherwise you will be calling her cat for the rest of your life.