I have long held on to the belief that mankind is evolving. Not so much in the superpower sense that
Heroes promotes and not so much in the two paths sense of HG Wells'
Time Machine. Both of those could happen, I'm not contending that. I would love to be able to fly or shoot
laser beams from my eyes or whatever. I'm thinking of something far more subtle, but potentially just as significant.
I developed this theory in the prime of my brain activity years, college, and grasped onto the idea immediately and have let it percolate and bubble over as time has gone by. As I was deep in thought studying the back of my hand one day, I noticed something about my fingers.

My fingers naturally stay with a gap between my index and middle finger and another between my ring finger and
pinky. It only makes sense that the result of this one day in the not-so-distant future will be a generation of babies born with only three fingers. Yes, it is my belief that the future will bring a joining of the middle and the ring finger in what will undoubtedly be known as the middling finger. Or the
ringiddle finger.
But then recently, something happened that made me rethink that. I looked down at my beautiful hand to ponder my future middling finger and this is what I saw:

Complete and
catastrophic heartbreak slowly sank in. How could I have been so naive? My wedding ring throws the entire Three Finger Theory out the window. It is a
defenestrated theory! Not only is the ring a physical barrier to the blissful union of middle and ring, it's done so forcefully and painfully as I become accustomed to wearing the very symbol of blissful unions!
As I must slowly recover from the shock and grief brought on by this startling discovery, I will turn to my shiny new ring to brighten my day and my shiny new wife to tell me everything will be okay.
I once knew a guy who worked in tree-cutting - spent most of his time walking up and down mountainsides, and he had six toes. Wasn't born that way, but developed it out of need. Hopefully it did not change his genetic map and he did not bear any six toed children.
You should read up on your evolution theory. What you have expressed is a Lamarckian idea of evolution (e.g. the giraffe's neck gets longer because the giraffe stretches it to reach leaves on higher trees). One's middle and ring finger cannot simply combine because they are close to proximity to one another. There would need to be an environment in which have the phenotype of having those two fingers adjoined would be beneficial. That's all I'm going to say for now. Maybe you should read an evolution book and then comment back.
My hand is also this way. I cant figure out why. Can you do this 🤙
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