Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy New Year!

It's good to have New Year's Resolutions. I have one, although secretly I have at least four or five. I figure it's best to have several stashed away that you're quietly working towards, that way a few months down the road when all but one have fallen to the wayside, you can pull it out from secrecy. You can tell people, "You know, it's the one thing that I set out to accomplish this New Year's and I'm quite proud of myself for sticking to it."

This year I'm trying my hand at sharing my resolution with the world. So is China's national soccer team. They vowed on New Year's Day to qualify for the 2010 World Cup. "I pledge to advance to the World Cup, which is the professional goal that we strive for," they said in unison as a team. This is very noble goal, reaching the top of your career, and while I will support Team USA, I wish them the best of luck.

I have started watching more and more professional soccer. It started after the last World Cup in 2006. Maybe it's because I use to play as a kid when, alone in the yard, my daydreams were usually of the World Cup, but I got really into watching the games in 2006. A lot more so then watching any football or baseball game. It's not quite as exciting, mainly because the crowds aren't as large, but I like that DC United games are broadcast on TV here... actually over one of the C-SPAN channels. Maybe this year I'll get to go to a game.

The second part of China's national team's pledge read like this: "We swear by death to kill along the bloody road of defending the honour of the motherland and realise our youthful dreams." Ah yes, I use to have those bloody... I mean, youthful dreams. Best of luck, China, best of luck.

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