Monday, September 20, 2010

Tabbin' It Up

If you want something done, it’s best to do it. I think that’s how the saying goes at least, and a truer statement has never been said. My intern Jeff has dilly-dallied far too long in revamping the Muted Guerrilla, so I’ve taken the project up myself.

The color and layout is in a test phase right now and is subject to change without notification. You have been warned. I’m currently trying out a color that is referred to as “the color of that shirt that I don’t like but still wear” which, at the moment, I kind of like.

There are also a few new features of blogger that have become available, which I hope to implement cautiously, as I do not want to overload the reader. The first of these fine advancements you would come to if, like me, you are a practicing Mutedguerrillologist is tabs.

While tabs can be used effectively in the right format, I’m not sure it’s suited for my write-whatever-the-hell-I-feel-like approach. But as a testament to my never-ending quest to perfection, I’ve included them for you to appreciate and reference as needed, provided that you feel blessed to be living at a time when tabs have become a reality.

Currently we have two tabs for you, an About the Author tab and a Frequently Asked Question tab... both of which are still under construction.

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