Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Giving Thanks to... The Prince William County Parks Authority

It came out of nowhere. Big and hairy and carrying a stench so vile that few people live to tell about it.

Let me back up… Everything changes with the seasons, most notably the lake where I eat lunch often. The leaves turn into a vivid array of splendid colors that makes one think, “now, THIS is why man invented the color TV!” Then the leaves quickly fall to the ground, revealing a depressing world of suburban townhomes just beyond the curtain of trees and forces one to think, “now, this is why man invented the TV.”

The falling temperatures and rising winds have forced me to move from the shade by the lake to a sunny picnic table near the lake. Today was a bit warmer, I was enjoying another delectable Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich and some dry cereal – it’s almost Thanksgiving and I haven’t gone to the store – thinking about the wonders of my thoughts when I turn to face a giant beast! It had a stick in its mouth and a wag in its tail.

It was a giant dog the size of a school bus and appeared to have recently plunged into the lake where I eat lunch often and now wanted to play. Wrapped up by its enthusiasm, I put out my hand to pet the big wet dog, and it, in turn, jumped in my lap. This is not what I wanted to happen, and as I let out a moan, the wild creature raced off back towards the lake.

As I stood there shaking my internal fist, I could feel the infection of wet dog smell sweep over me, emanating from my wet pants. It was then that I decided it was time to give thanks.

Dear Prince William County Parks Authority,

I just wanted to say thank you for all your excellent work with the parks in the county. I regularly visit the Lakeridge Marina and always appreciate the peace and quiet that it affords.  The park is always clean and well-maintained making it a delight each and every time I go.

I also really like the new park near Haymarket; I believe it is called Silver Lake.  I've only been a handful of times, but have enjoyed it every time.  At first I was disappointed to learn that a middle school was being built so close to the lake, but when it is done it will be wonderful for both the students and the community alike.

Thanks again and happy holidays,
John Duffy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have left yet another hilarious posting. I would totally eat lunch with you in that park. Imagine how many people assumed your wet pants were a sign of a control problem, not from a four legged assault.

Your effort to thank people everyday this month is brilliant. With that, I would like to thank you. I received the letter from you marking my yearly aging and I really appreciated getting it. I am also very thankful you are in my life...and I truly hope our friendship lasts for a long time...which also means we wouldn't die soon!

I want Clark's ability to hold his breath for so long he can fly into deep space.

I also love Cee-Lo's song. Amanda will no longer allows me to play it.
