Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Conversation

It’s difficult this time of year not to talk about Christmas. I was telling someone a highly entertaining story about this morning’s commute when I noticed the glaze in their eyes and the fidget in their stance. I decided to wrap up my story, and then ask a holiday question, “So, what are you going to be for Christmas this year?”

It’s not like there isn’t other stuff going on either. I mean, the winter solstice just occurred on the same night as a lunar eclipse – druids everywhere are rejoicing. I thought about staying up to see it, but I was tired and it was cold. This morning I searched the vastness of the internet for some of the best pictures of this global phenomenon. One of the first I found was from Manassas , VA … my neighboring town.

I can’t help but feel like I missed out on something big. Unless I am too tired and cold come Christmas morning, however, I don’t think I’ll miss anything too important.

Truthfully, this morning, even I was getting tired of my drive-to-work story. It lacked a certain holiday magic that all good stories need this time of year. If I had decided to rein up the old reindeer and take the sleigh into work, that would be different. Or if I had encountered a stranger who gave me the one thing I needed, but I didn’t know I needed, that would work too.

As it is the guy in front of me was just changing lanes a lot, always taking the inside corner. Maybe I’m just not a very good storyteller.

All that being said, I also overheard someone on their cellphone today who was clearly not talking about Christmas.  He was a large man with a big belly and he said with a hardy laugh "... well, I guess that's what you get for working in the coal mines!  Har! Har! Har!"  Wait a second... big belly... hardy laugh... talking about coal!  Did I just see the big man himself in Target?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes John. there is a Santa Claus.
