Sunday, December 04, 2011

Leo's Bad Habits

This week Leo finally found his thumb.

Speaking of bad habits, you may notice that he is fully watching television in this video.  I think he finds the social commentary and political satire of Saturday Night Live on-point and often frames situations that we, as a nation, need to come together and discuss.  Maybe. 

There is definitely something about television that seems to enthrall him, which I find surprising seeing as he is only 12 weeks.  Some might say that kids shouldn't be watching any television and they are undoubtedly correct, but we have found that his interest in anything on television is great for tummy time as he will undoubtedly lift his head to watch the show.  Here he is with me Saturday morning watching soccer in our PJ's.
Like father, like son.
Just to prove that we don't rely on television for tummy time, here's another video of my boy talking to an elephant.

Nope, no television on in this video, instead we are setting up advertisements on it.  It's time our boy starts earning his keep.  You can purchase the Garanimal Wind-Up Musical Elephant at Amazon this holiday season!  Hurry, while supplies last!


Anonymous said...

This is Ricki A. Russell and I approve of that elephant!

Matt J. Duffy said...

It's all interesting when you are 12 weeks old. Try putting him in front of some blinds when the sun is shining.

Ann L. Duffy said...

Whoops. Ann here. Matt was signed into the computer....