Tuesday, April 19, 2005


If you had the power to wave a magic wand and eliminate any one thing from the face of the world, what would it be? It's a question that I often find myself trying to find an answer for.

It can be something small like litter boxes, but I'm not sure why you would want to get rid of that, or some major idea, like capitalism, but again... why?

By the way, I spend about half of my time driving for work, that's a lot of good thinking time.


Tiffany Duffy said...

fast food. which means any food which is fast... i have no issues with chain sit-downs in this instance, only the fast foods. no fast food = more cash to spend on better things,healthier kids, healthier adults, more family time, and better cooks. i wish i could cook. i'm sure you wish i could cook, too... by the way, we have no food in the place except some ice cream, caguama, and a lonesome burrito. want to go shopping when you get home? i love you...

Anonymous said...

What exactly is caguama? I wondro... I just wondro... what theg of cid it was??? bb