Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Gold Cup

I recently spent a day in the sun, living it up with the high society at an annual horse race called Gold Cup, here in Northern Virginia. It's a little foreign to me to be so close to such a lifestyle, but there I was. There were a lot of silly hats with pokadots and feathers, but I must admit, I had a good time.

In the day, they had nine steeplechases and a dog race. I walked away with five extra dollars in my pocket. I mention this because gambling is illegal in Virginia. I do not mean to brag of my exploits into the criminal world, it's just that I was at a horse race - I feel as though I was suppose to be betting something. It is the only thing that made the races interesting. Otherwise, I would have paid 30 dollars to go drink with a bunch of people, some of whom are friends.

I am not supporting Virginia open their doors to gambling, beyond the almost universal poor tax of the lottery. I am just pointing out that cheering for a horse is not too exciting, but cheering for a $10 prize... now that is exciting.

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