Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The Stock Market

A couple weeks ago, on a whim, I put fifty dollars into the stock market. The stock market is a thing that honestly confuses me more and more the more I think about it. If I buy the stocks are better so I should sell or something. I don't know. I should write a post about it to help me understand. Anyways, I picked a couple of real winners. ADC Telecommunications and JDS Uniphase. I liked them because of their four letter ticker names.

I sadly admit that I have become compulsive reguarding these stocks, checking them every chance I get. In the same vein as my previous post about Gold Cup, it is exciting to be invested in something. Even if it's just 50 dollars. And the best part is, even though my stocks have done terribly, I am only down $3.33.

Days like today, however, when they both don't move at all, are not exciting in the least.


Ann L. Duffy said...

I am a proud former owner of JDS Uni. I'd say you're doing pretty well with a small percentage loss so far. :-)

Bailey said...

Mr. Guerrilla,

In the past few years, I have also gotten into stocks, so I know the feeling. It can be VERY addictive. I started just buying safe things like GE. Now I own aboue 15 things, and the first thing I do when I get to work is open up the ticker.

Right now the market is going through some jitters. But I know the feeling of watching nothing happen. Never fun.

I'm also into gambling, so we have much in common.