Monday, July 31, 2006

Four Thumbs Up... or so.

I've seen three movies in the past two days... mindless activities are good after a week of vacation. It kind of numbs you back into the real world.

The first movie I saw, and only one I saw at the movie theater, was M. Night Shamamahamalan's new movie, which was good, really good. It reminded me a bit of the Village though, in that... I don't know if I'm just expecting greatness, but I found myself criticizing as I was watching it, which I hate. But it was really good. And, like all of his movies it was just refreshingly different from all the others. All in all though, it walked a strange line between a scary movie and a fairy tale... two categories that my brain has trouble blurring the lines between.

So then we get home and Netflix has two new movies for me. The first one I watched was Firewall, with Harrison Ford, which sucked. Maybe it was just that I should have been sleeping before work, but it sucked on every level. The thing that I found distracting, throughout the whole thing, was that the bad guy was just a bad guy. People should have some saving grace, some reason for me to care about them, something that makes them human. I don't buy into the whole idea that real people are evil. They should only exist in fairy tales.

But then today I saw a movie about an assassin, and it was marvelous. The Matador was just fun to watch. I liked the story, I liked the characters, and something that I notice a lot in movies that I like... I liked the colors. It makes me sound a stoner, I realize, but this was a movie with yellow walls, orange suits, white fabrics in dirty scenes... I love that stuff.

I guess I'm weird like that. It reminds me of a girl I met in college, Tara, who was really cool. After a few hours, maybe a few days, she was laughing at me, telling me I see the world differently than everybody else. She said I notice how things feel, textures and whatnot. Maybe it's just that I have a strong feminine side. I mean hell, Lady in the Water made me cry.

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