Friday, July 14, 2006

Last Night

Right now, I work the overnights at a juvenile shelter, making sure everyone is asleep, so I'm afforded quite a bit of free time. So I picked up a book lying around and started reading it the other day. The Pictures of Hollis Woods, I believe that's the title. It's written for young adults, I'd say zeroing in on the 12-15 range. I mention it because it was a pretty good book. By the end I was riding the emotional rollercoaster of the characters.

About an hour later, I was looking for something to do when I found Killer Angels, which I've been wanting to read... I liked that same author's book about the Revoutionary War, Rise to Rebellion... but I'll tell you, after reading a book written for sixth graders, I was struggling just with the first few pages. I'm sure the fact that it was 5 in the morning had nothing to do with it, but I may have to slowly work back up to big word books... when does the next Harry Potter come out?

I am excited about Killer Angels though. I know it's all about Gettysburg, but I live in Manassas, VA and know practically nothing about the Civil War, so I'm hoping for a little Civil War 101. Although, I'll admit that of all the cool stuff about history, I have very little interest in the Civil War... wars in general in fact.

I'm down with hippies... make love not war.

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