Friday, September 15, 2006

Fashionably Fashionable

Opposite curiosity in the dictionary, is the word cummerbund. I always thought it was cumberbund, like it made it cumbersome to breathe, like a male corset. But it's not. It's cummerbund, almost with a forced lisp. No wonder fashion has a shortage of straight men.

Tiff and I have gotten into Project Runway. It began through Netflix, but as I mentioned we recently got cable. Cable is a devil of a device, especially OnDemand. We opted for a crazy deal on a big package, rather than the basic, unspoken, package that gives you ten channels. It was a few extra dollars a month, but we decided getting the Bravo channel, home of Project Runway, made it worth it. After getting cable, all the channels always play the same things over and over. Bravo is perhaps the worst of the bunch, always playing Project Runway. Always. There's a marathon every afternoon. Between that and their other hit, Queer Eye, it seems Bravo has a shortage of straight men.

Or maybe every other channel has a shortage of gay men.

Anyways, it's a great show. It makes me realize that I have no sense of fashion, but I work nights, occassionally with bleach, so who cares. It also makes me wonder what sort of craziness I would dress people up in if I were a designer. I'm thinking the time is right for the casual cummerbund. I'll start out with the piano cummerbund.

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