Friday, September 15, 2006

I Could Do Hindu...

I'll follow the theme of the last few posts: So I'm in the middle of Life of Pi - who knew I was such a reader. It's an odd little story that has been slow going partly because I've been all-sorts-of sick this week and partly because curiosity keeps getting the better of me. (I just stopped to look up the word curiosity; I'm pretty sure I know how to spell the word ironic.) I've stopped a couple of times to learn about Hinduism.

I'll sum up my take on Hinduism by saying it has a lot of great ideas, but loses points for all the big words. I remember a brother-in-law once saying that he'd probably be Hindu if it weren't for all the gods, but not me, I'm okay with all the gods. I'm okay with the Brahman, the karma, the dharma... but once you bring in words like mahabharata and upanishad, what you are trying to say quickly takes a back seat to enjoying the struggle of pronouncing the words.

The book is getting interesting though... I'm trying to figure out what happened to the cat.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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