Friday, September 22, 2006

Soda Update

Last week I drank a soda. I've actually had a few these past few days. I went without soda for 46 days. I had to look at a calendar. 46 days though, that's a long time. It may even qualify as a religious experience, nothing short of roaming the desert or parting a sea.

By the way, Mormons knocked on my door again. They love to knock. I answered in the mddle of a game of NCAA Football '05. Last time they came, Vince Vaughn was getting a hand job under the table in Wedding Crashers. Relentless little guys, I'm convinced they are hatching a plan to save my very soul as we speak. One of the guys had captivating eyes. At first it was kind of neat, but then his eyes started reminding me of that freaky stare of Rasputin, who survived something like seven assassination attempts before dying... which made me wonder how many tries it would take to assassinate this guy.

Not that I wanted to kill him, or anything, especially after my recent religous experience. I will admit at times the 46 days was surprising difficult. One day, early on, I broke down at a Denny's and bought a Fanta, which most might consider a soda, but I'm hoping that enough people realize how God-awful it is, and therefore disclain it as a soda; it's merely a soft drink. After that, 46 days went by pretty quick.

In the end, while I didn't really want any sodas, or soft drinks, I started wondering what it was that I was trying to do. What was I trying to prove? Surely though, 46 days prove it.

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