Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Egg Challenge Results

I am declaring myself victorious in the egg challenge. And not a moment too soon... I started to feel a little strange on the insides. Now I just need to find myself a good doctor.

So Tiff, who wasn't quite as egg-streme with this challenge as I was, and I were talking over pancakes and eggs at IHOP, our final dinner of the week. Both of us noticed a few things that I would never have mentioned otherwise. Neither of us drank a lot of water throughout the week, which is strange as I've been drinking a lot of water recently.

The other thing of interest is we both craved fruit. At work I had a strong hankering for bananas and pears, both of which I hardly ever eat otherwise. Bananas I don't even like, but man, did they look tastey.

The next challenge I'm thinking will involve toothpaste, particularly Tom's of Maine. As for food challenges, the next go around will probably be something with apples. I haven't quite worked out the details yet, but apples each day should at least keep the doctor away.

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