Sunday, March 04, 2007

We're in Business

So my girlfriend recently got a check in the mail for $25.

A year ago, she created an account with these Zazzle folks, designing a few stamps. It took her a couple of hours to do then, as she says, "didn't think about it for months." But now she's 25 bucks the richer.

So after she spent a couple more hours, I decided to set up shop myself, and in no time I was in the T-shirt business, with a bunch of different products. Most of them are versions of shirts that I made for myself with iron-on letters years ago and are now faded to the point of not making sense. I think it's finally time to share them with the world.

Anyways, while I'd be surprised if I sell anything - and if I did, Zazzle, an awful name, would get the lion's share of the money - it was quick and easy, and now I just sit back and wait for the money to roll in, maybe. Plus, if by some chance I ever see some stranger wearing one on the street, years in the future, well, that would just be cool. (A guy can dream can't he.)

Now, while the products were quick and easy, please notice the fine computer craftsmanship of the title of the web page, it was neither quick nor easy, but on the upside, I probably saved $25 staying in on a Saturday night.


John Duffy said...

Damn... it's too big.

Anonymous said...

it's too bad you can't see the front and back of the shirts... but your clothesline is some amazing stuff.