Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Best Blog

I think I've mentioned in the past that I like Yahoo! I use Yahoo! I check Yahoo! for Yahoo!news and Yahoo! sports and Yahoo! weather. I have Yahoo! email, and I love My Yahoo!, which I checked today and it made me say, "yahoo."

Recently, My Yahoo! was upgraded and I could link it to feeds from blogs, so I linked mine to one blog, that of Leo Babauta, which I'm sure you're now patiently thinking, "yeah, who?" I chose it from a list of options for it's name Zen Habits. I figured maybe it could teach me how to live even more in peace with my body and mind than I am now, if that's possible. The blog is usually just lists and tips of how to unclutter your world and stuff, which generally is kind of boring.

He has apparently found an audience though as his blog was recently named Best Blog of the Year. A few days later he posted "Happy 1st Birthday Zen Habits." I started nearly three years ago... Best Blog... ya-friggin-hoo!

Anyways, he started this other site about writing, so I read his thoughts about blogwriting and I realized how much I am not a blog writer. He stresses how close the writer and the reader are with blogs, "Read that last sentence again, because it’s key: speak to the readers. Write as if you’re talking to them." I think where I'm going wrong is that I'm just talking to myself half the time. (Hey, sexy.)

Maybe if I did "read that last sentence again" I could relate to this: "You’re writing for an audience who will comment on the post mere minutes after you press “publish”. They will argue with you, praise you, become your friends. They will write their own posts, commenting on and analyzing your writing." As it is though, I'm excited when my wife comments... analyzing my writing.

Anyways, I doubt that my blog empire is on its way to any Blog of Fame, I still have fun doing it. And while this post sucks, at least its better than me listing reasons why its important to clean your desk off, even if it is... and you learn something from it... and you read it in spite of how lame you know it to be... probably because you know it's just a list and you don't have to read through some long post with no pictures.


John Duffy said...

I just want to clarify that I'm not bashing Zen Habits. It's one of two blogs that I actually read, so it's probably not as bad as I made it out to be.

Clo said...

I think you may have something on Mr. Zen Man. A picture of hive-laden armpits is a surefire way to prompt comments from concerned readers. Hope you feel better soon, John! Carrell