Everything changed when, just before Christmas, I heard of the Interstellar Light Collector.

Before you label me a freak, I freely admit that I'm open to some of the eccentrics of alternative medicine. Perhaps it's a holistic approach, but that sounds too Birkenstock. I would, however, love to try acupuncture and maybe a hot stone massage to unblock my chi, or whatever. Just last month, I bought a jar of lavender scent with sticks sticking fashionably out of it, because I heard it might help me sleep. It's right next to my bed.

But this giant moonlight mirror is so different than anything I thought reasonable that it has captured my imagination and six weeks after learning of it, I'm still thinking about it. Check out the testimonials. Just about everyone says something along the lines of feeling relaxed, energized and all-over good, but then there are these lines, "toothache gone within hours," "my appendix scar faded as well as some other old scars" by morning, "arthritis and tinnitus are greatly reduced," and - hold the phone - "after a 3rd moonlight experience, my asthma seems to be gone." Moonlight it seems works miracles. If only moonlighting worked the same way, as I work overnights.
If anything, I think it's definitely worth seeing what happens under the intense moonlight. I predict that it will prevent the brain tumor that will surely kill me in my old age, thus I will live forever. Then maybe I'll get to actually visit the other places on my list of places that I want to go.
1 comment:
I tried a hot stone massage last fall. Ahhhhh....felt really good. Don't know if it realigned my chi, however.
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