Saturday, December 27, 2008

Cookie Christmas

Merry Christmas everybody!

I hope everyone had as great a Christmas as I did. I got lots of cool stuff, including an iPod!, and I had an awesome time all day long. One of the cooler gifts was from my parents. (Thanks Mom and Dad!) It was also the heaviest by a mile, so we opened it on Christmas Eve so that we didn't have to drive it out to Tiff's family just to open it and haul it back.
This is what we got:

A mixer!

Now I know what you're thinking... John bakes?... I would never have guessed. Well, sometimes I surprise myself. Usually not though, but this is a great present for me as Tiff makes the best cookies ever. So for Tiff, it's a great gift, but for me, it's the gift that keeps on giving all year round. Tiff made some chocolate chip cookies right away though.

Oh my god! they look so good. I swear that's the actual picture and I didn't just pull a picture off of Wikipedia or Flickr or somewhere. And added bonus, because the mixer works so fast, she went ahead and baked a few other kinds. That's a chocolate cookie with peanut butter chips... oh man, they're so good. And that one in the back is a soft, moist molasses cookie... it's the best of its kind I've ever had. If Tiff were to open up a cookie shop, first off it would be incredibly successful, secondly they could call these cookies Manassas Molasses cookies. They'd become world-famous and people would flock to her little Shoppe and riots would break-out everyday as people waited in line for hours each day before it opened. Lastly, I would gain like 400 pounds. Here's another picture of them alongside tasty almond, white chocolate cookies.

Oh man! Anyways, we took all these cookies to a big family Christmas party:

Where Tiff was trying to pawn them off to everybody, but there weren't many takers as there are a lot of cooks in Tiff's family. Then Tiff's Grandmother tried one and quickly announced that she take a bunch home and offer them instead of the ones that she baked. Next year, Tiff's in charge of all the cookies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that last paragraph sounds like a Sim scenario... Tiff gains 2 cooking points!

also... my word verification word is "pharg" which makes me laugh... pharg!