Thursday, July 16, 2009

Money Can't Buy Happiness

I still haven't won the lottery. Not yet anyways. I stopped playing it all together for awhile. I said I was going to take a year off from playing, and maybe then I'll start back up. Yeah... that was about two months ago. My numbers didn't hit last night. Maybe next time.

I often envision what I would do if I won a huge jackpot. My daydreams don't get much further than the first day or two. First off, I have hard time guessing what my initial reaction would be. I can't picture myself as someone who would hoot and holler and scream to the world, I won!! I don't think I'd jump up and down like I just spun a $1.00 in the Showcase Showdown on the Price Is Right. It bothers me a little that I might not be that excitable. I'll probably never have to worry about it though.

One of the things that I keep coming back to is that I would want to leave work without anything on my desk. I'd like to stay for a couple of days to make sure I didn't leave any work for anybody else. I doubt that would actually happen, but it's a nice thought and I think it portrays me positively... which is important.

I've told myself that the first thing I'll do when I win the lottery is get a massage, but I've recently had the realization that I probably could have paid for a massage or two with all the money I've put into the lottery - all my $1 contributions to the fortune gods who keep me daydreaming and wondering what-if. While the one massage I've had, which was on my honeymoon in Jamaica, was absolutely amazing, I'm not sure one massage a year could replace the weekly 5 minutes of anticipation and excitement as well as the constant daydreaming that comes with the chance of winning millions upon millions of dollars.

After the first couple of days though, I imagine I'd get really bored.

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