Monday, July 13, 2009

Time Flies

Today my new car rolled over 15,000 miles, which means I drive about 15,000 miles a year... give or take 221 miles or so. That's right, my brand new car is a year old and sadly, it's lost that new car smell. Similarly, tomorrow will mark my one year anniversary at my job, but sadly, I still have that new guy smell.

While I admit that I have a growing fear that I'll show up at work in the morning to a little formal pink slip and the line, "this past year hasn't quite worked out," I think I'm good to go for at least another year because if this past year has taught me nothing else, it's that time flies.

I mean, I've already lived in my new house for four and a half months already!! And I still haven't gotten around to finishing up the bathroom. That's for another day though, because we love our home.

The neighborhood's a different story. It would be the perfect place for us if we had an 8 year old boy, but as it is I find myself becoming something of a grump. The kids are probably great, as our the non-kids, we just haven't found the right clique or social-code or whatever. Right now though, I'm just resisting the temptation to go out and pick up the basketball by my front door and yell out, "You see this basketball? It's mine now!" to nobody in particular. Then take it inside muttering, "That oughtta learn 'em."

I know I shouldn't though. Tomorrow's another day.

1 comment:

tiff said...

Grump, grump, grump, grump...