Friday, May 21, 2010

Yard Work for the Blog

It's been over a year now since Tiff and I moved into our new place. And it's been over a year that I have tried to let the beautiful Mother Nature beautify our little lawn. She has taken down an ugly tree, which is a big step in the right direction, but over the year, I was hoping to see a little more progress. Mother Nature is almost as slow as my intern Jeff!

We decided to take things into our own hands. Tiff called upon some reinforcements in the form of her Aunt, who actually provided all the plants and did most of the work, but the final product look pretty great!

Not bad, eh? Yeah, it may need some work along the side there, and the part not shown along the street needs help, but what an improvement! We're on our way to a full-on flower garden. We just need to start taking care of it.

In that respect gardening's kind of like my blog. Water it every now and then, weed out the bad stuff, and just give it some love, and pretty soon, my blog will grow healthy and strong with beautiful blooms and maybe even some nutritional fruit from the tree of John Duffy. In my case, I have to do quite a bit of pruning too; pruning back my own blogging ambition... it hurts a little bit every time.

Also, gardens are intended to be enjoyed. They feed off the energy of admiration and appreciation. And flowers don't last forever, so you know, come on by for the peonies and in a couple days, come on by to check out the petunias. You never know what you'll find.

Unfortunately, my blog garden has had winter seasons too. Hopefully, I can find some interests and inspirations to last the whole year round.

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