Friday, June 04, 2010

A Friday Miracle

Today, I witnessed a miracle. An act of God. A sign of the benevolence of the Heavens. Behold, the awesome powers from above! Today, my lunch made itself.

I've fallen into the routine of making my Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich at night. It's great this way, because I can just grab it out of the refrigerator along with a can of pop and an apple, toss in an ice pack, and run out the door on my way to being a few minutes late to work.

(I normally don't call it 'pop' but I thought it adds to the overall hurried image I was creating. I grew up in Atlanta, so anything fizzy and non-alcoholic was called either coke or sprite depending on the color. I've grown to like a certain diet competitor, so I feel weird calling it coke. And soda sounds like I'm trying to hard. I outta just say the heck with it and stick to water, but that's for another day. Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah, I was conveying a sense of urgency...)

This morning it dawned on me as Tiff was about to leave for work - she leaves before me - so I said to myself aloud, "Oh, I have to make my lunch!" So I sprang out of bed and did bathroom stuff in record time. I washed myself good enough and grabbed the first outfit I could reach and rushed downstairs to slap together my lunch.

It was then that I saw it. The sunlight broke through the window illuminating a packed lunch, the perfectly proportioned Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich inside a tupperware, cut in half even! Day of days! I zipped up the lunchbox and headed out with a smile, trying to hold back the tear in my eye.

I made a few lights along the way and got to work three minutes early today.

At lunch, as I beheld the awesome power from above, I savored every bite. There really is something special about eating food that someone else prepared.


Tiff said...

you're welcome.

Ann said...

That is so true! Everything tastes better if someone else makes it!

Especially Tiff's cookies, btw.