Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Brilliant Game Show

Not to find genius where, clearly, there is none, but that’s (meaning my last post which I just posted today)not a bad idea for a Game Show.

Let’s say the game involves six contestants. Each person is given $1000 dollars. In the first round, everyone secretly bids for something small – let’s say a twenty dollar gift-card to Chuck E. Cheese – and the top five bids win the prize.

The next round has those five people competing for a better prize – let’s say a brand new Kodak digital camera – with their remaining money. Like if I bid $50 to win the $20 gift card, I would only have $950 to bid this round.

And so on and so forth through prizes like a $500 gift certificate courtesy of, a fully loaded 2011 BMW Z-series, and finally the grand prize, season tickets to DC United! That’d be awesome.

I’m not sure if there are any game shows like that, but if there aren’t, I’m laying claim to this one. Maybe I should contact my local broadcaster and see about making this a reality. I could be the next Bob Barker!

1 comment:

Wife. said...

Just wanted to clarify your order of importance here:
1. DCU
2. Wife
Just sayin'...