Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wearing Ties: Day 31!

 It's the last day of my tie wearing campaign.  As sad as that thought is, at least I still have today.  Plus, today is Halloween which is fun.  So this picture is me in my Halloween costume... any guesses as to what I am?

If you guessed mild-mannered reporter, you'd be right!  But wait, is that all I am for Halloween?  Here are some more pictures, as captured by my uber-talented photographer of a wife!

The hat-toss even has mild-mannered suspicion.
Was that danger I heard in the distance?  This looks like a job for...
Up, up, and away!
I had to put my serious face on for at least one heroic Clark Kent picture.

Happy Halloween everybody!


Ann L. Duffy said...

Love the costume! Where to you keep the cape?

Anonymous said...



tiff said...

Ann, there actually IS a cape! Too bad we didn't capture that in the picture!!!