Friday, December 10, 2010

Email! Dang!

I haven’t written in a while because life’s gotten in the way. While I’ve been too busy to write anything much, I’ve definitely been thinking a lot. One thing that I’ve thought is about email.

People who know more than I do are starting to wonder how long email will last, as Facebook and Twitter look to take over the world. I’ve begun wondering the same thing… I mean my spam folder isn’t filling up like it once did. Call me old-fashioned, but I have a hard time getting into the world of Facebook and Twitter as I’m never sure what is worthy of mention (although I did have one immaculate – albeit chilled – Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich for lunch today at the lake… dang, it was good!)

Are Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches old-fashioned, too? In this world of healthy eats and peanut allergies, the answer is “probably so,” but that’s okay, I’m an old-fashion kind of guy. Anyways, my email idea is equally old-fashioned.

In this world of Facebook updates and Facebook comments and comments on comments and Tweets of comments on comments and Facebook updates of tweets of comments on comments, it is all just too much. The problem is not that of Facebook or Twitter though. It goes way back to email times and has taken many forms.

My idea is that my email should come once a day, all at the same time. This way, by the time I read my email, I can see what everybody thinks about an idea all at the same time. Then if I feel compelled, I can add my comment and the next day, when I check my email again, I can see what people said about my comment. It could probably work for Facebook too.

Now, I can see your furrowed brow, and I can hear exhale of arrogance. And I agree there is an easy way to make that happen. And maybe I will start checking my email but once a day, but what if I wasn’t the only one that had to live like that? What if it applied to everyone? Sure people might wait anxiously by their computer for their email to arrive, but how great would it be when it did? With the way people check their Facebook, it would be like Christmas morning each and every day! Then you could read it, respond, and go about your day until the next day. Dang, it would be good!

By the way, how did the post office miss out on creating an email service? Maybe they couldn’t offer all the bells and whistles of the email players, just a thought. My email has already become more like my actual mailbox than anything else… most days it’s just bills and ads. Dang, I'm brilliant.


Anonymous said...

Yes, you are.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to eat pb&j today.
