Monday, December 13, 2010

Something in My Shoe

Yes, there is something in my shoe. It has been there all day long. It is neither sharp nor painful, but it is there, in my shoe. I can feel it with every step I take, hiding beneath my toe. It can only be so big, as it provides just enough discomfort – demands just enough attention – that I seem to forget about it when I sit down, so it remains in my shoe, under my big toe.

No, I have not removed the unwanted object in my shoe. I have not bent to its demands. I have not given any interest to this dull, hard thing that is worrying my toe. The existence of the thing that is in my shoe is of no consequence to me as I am above it and it is below me, digging into my big toe.

My toe belongs in my shoe. This hard object does not. I am confident that any irritation experienced on the part of my big toe pails in comparison to the distress put upon the unwelcome object in my shoe. Therefore, the shoe remains on my foot with this foreign entity in it. Be sure however, that upon its removal from my shoe, the blunt item lodged under my large toe will stay out of my shoe, forevermore.

It is only with the intention of providing you, dear reader, a complete picture of this misplaced monstrosity pitted against my ample toe in the confines of my inner sole that I am now removing said shoe from said foot. Ah, yes! I should have expected nothing less! This exploratory exercise has revealed a small piece of plastic that I believe once held a price tag on a recently purchased item.

In fact, if my limitless memory serves me correctly, I believe I placed this item in my shoe in order to keep it off of the floor, thinking at the time, “If this ends up on the floor, it will never be thrown away.”

Now I am returning this knotted plastic to the interior of my shoe, where it will unsuccessfully try to find an unobtrusive home. Ah, yes, there it is, pressing into the outside of my foot.

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