Sunday, October 09, 2011

Introducing Leo Duffy!

So, I'm a dad.  It actually happened one month ago today, and the last month has whizzed past in a blur.  I'm already having thoughts of "they grow up so fast" and "remember how small he was at the hospital."

I've been wanting to write something about my new son ever since he was first born, but nothing I write seems majestic and poetic enough to do him justice.  Needless to say, he's pretty amazing and as an introduction here is Leo's first YouTube video.

He is playing the part of a grumpy kid in this 30 second clip.  We took two really good videos in this position of him yawning and stretching before another brilliant idea hatched in my head that caused me to mute the TV for this take. 

I've had many ideas on this blog that haven't all panned out.  And while some were terrible (feel free to visit John Duffy's Encore), some weren't half bad (I still have hopes of a Sunday Morning Haikube).  This one I think I will enjoy as long as the blog stays alive.  The idea: 30 Seconds With Leo.  Thirty second clips of my baby boy, each week.  It is going to be huge. 

I'm sure I'll have more to say later, but for now... he's starting to fuss; I gotta go feed him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Genius idea. A weekly blog from Big and Little Duffy sounds amazing. Just don't get me as excited as I was for Sunday Morning Haikube if Lil' Duffy doesn't want to participate.