Sunday, November 20, 2011

Heeeeere's Leo!

I'll write something else eventually, but at least I'm keeping up with Leo.  Today was a long day of fun and excitement not captured on film.  So here's the boy winding down with a few of the old favorites.  Leo, take it away!

Here's another pretty good one from earlier this week...

It is unofficially subtitled "Competing Bald Spots."

Neither one of these videos is particularly cute but as a proud parent they make me beam with pride.  In both it seems like he gets what is happening, which is pretty cool.

One of the best daily examples of him getting what is happening is part of his bedtime routine.  As he is being turned and twisted into and around a swaddle or two, he listens to a standard lullabye and intently watches four woodland creatures dance through the air.  The kid loves his mobile. 

I've tried to film it several times but it's always too dark for the video, and if you leave the light on, he'll spot the camera and won't take his eye off it.  Here's a picture of it though from tonight.
Goodnight Friends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great picture of Leo with his mobile.
