Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Sundays with Leo... on Wednesday

I don't want my Thirty Seconds with Leo posts to stop, and just as important, I want to keep those posts to Sunday only.  This week however was a bit odd as we abandoned our freezing house to a home where the heater was working properly. 

I took a video of him on Sunday with every intention of putting it online on Sunday night as I was home alone.  Unfortunately, I left the camera with my wife and child, and the sole video taken from Sunday has mysteriously disappeared, which is a shame as he was decked out in his Halloween costume.

All that being said, here is another video of my boy.  He had just given me his first real laugh and we were trying to recreate it.  So, I sound a bit like a crazy person here, but Leo's still pretty cute.

And here's one from earlier where Leo is staring at what has become one of his favorite things in the house... a small tree that nobody really pays any attention to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a charmer. Hard not to laugh along with Leo.