Saturday, September 09, 2006

My Superpowers are Tingling

My superpowers are increasing. It probably is related to my zen-like low-stress stance on most everything except tire pressure - which freaks me out - but I'm becoming more and more attuned to the world around me.

On Sunday, for instance, I got as this week's briefcase to work, The Lovely Bones, which I knew nothing about but had heard good things. It's a pretty good book, where in the first few lines the narrator is abducted and killed. And then yesterday, as I was going to the mechanic to check my tire pressure, "Elliot in the Morning," the best radio personality out there, does this long bit about Johnny Gosch, a kid abducted in 1982 who was the first kid on a milk carton. It's a crazy story involving some great conspiracy theories, including Republican sex parties and Jeff Gannon is Johnny Gosch's witness protection name. Elliot generally steers clear of anything controversial, but got to talking about it because the mother received photos of her son as a boy last week, turning them over to police on... Sunday. CNN broke the story.

I don't get CNN as I don't have cable, which leads me to the second case of my superpowers. It happened yesterday afternoon, right after I woke up. My girlfriend and I were talking about ordering cable, a luxury we haven't had in 2 and a half years of bunny-year-rotation-frustration living together. We actually called a few days ago to order it only to be put on hold for forty minutes; we hung up and watched a movie. As I was resenting the idea of being put on hold again, someone knocked on our door. She was selling cable. In 2 and a half years we have not seen a single door-to-door salesman, and she was selling cable. She'll install it this afternoon.

Now I can watch CNN when I hear the Jeff Gannon has come down with the bird flu. Or more importantly I can switch from ABC to NBC without swearing at a rain cloud. Maybe this will add to my zen-like low stress, increasing my superpowers. If nothing else I can just watch a lot of TV.

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