Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My Man-Crush

I haven't written for awhile for various reasons, and most folks reading this might think it's weird what brings me to writing another post.

When Tiff and I first moved in together we didn't have much. We had so little furniture that the living room of our one-bedroom apartment was empty for close to six months as our brand new bed was also our couch, kitchen table, card table, and bathroom... wait, no. We had so little money that we chose not to get cable TV for a year and a half and struggled with bunny ears to watch our favorite shows. That first spring there was more than one "emergency" trips to Tiff's parents' on Tuesday nights to watch American Idol, which we consciously aren't watching this year.

It wasn't long before we decided to get a DVD player and a Blockbuster card - ah, the days before Netflix. We watched a lot of movies, but owned very few. One of those few, in fact one of the first two was A Knight's Tale. This brilliant movie cleverly merges the sport of jousting with classic rock music. You know it's a winner when the medieval royal horn section plays "We Will Rock You." Tiff got it for me because she caught me watching it repeatedly on HBO before we moved out on our own.

The movie's leading man is one Heath Ledger, whom Tiffany convinced me that I had a man-crush on. It wasn't anything sexual, it's just that there was something about him I liked. He seemed down to Earth and just a cool guy. Pretty soon, I embraced the idea of this man-crush and freely mentioned it if it ever came up. Then he was a gay cowboy in Brokeback Mountain, and I felt like a public man-crush took a different tone. So I switched my man-crush to Clive Owen. I guess I got a thing for guys with accents.

Anyways, in a world of Britney Spears media and Hollywood cellulite gracing magazine covers, I liked Heath Ledger and I'm sad to hear of his death. He was great and surely would've been even greater in time.

PS. How cool is it that he's going to be the Joker.

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