Monday, October 19, 2009

Cold and Hungry

It’s been awhile since I’ve written anything substantial. I could point the finger at several things - for instance, we our somehow blocked from using our speedy internet “provider” and are left using a very slow, very choppy internet. But the thing that’s been weighing me down the most is my most recent challenge, which I’m failing at miserably.

I’ve also spent some time wondering what the hell I’m writing a blog for anyways. It seems that writing about whatever you please can never improve your situation… and could quite possibly be damaging somewhere down the line. If I were to run for President of the World or Secretary of the PTA or something, I feel like my inability to cook dinner… or maintain a blog, would somehow come back to haunt me.

Maybe all my posts should be about my brilliant ideas!
Or maybe just about my toenails.

I’m getting sidetracked and will now resort to talking about the weather. Blimey, it’s cold! It’s so cold that Tiff started playing Christmas music and I didn’t think anything of it. Now that I’m a homeowner, though, this change-in-weather-thing is a little frightening. There’s that chance that the furnace won’t start or that it won’t stop heating the house until the whole place burns down. That might be a remote chance, admittedly.

There’s also the issue of cost, which leads me to the question of when are you suppose to turn on your heat. This weekend it was cold. Very cold. But Tiff and I knew that we’d be spending much of Saturday away so we didn’t turn on the heat. Plus, energy efficient experts say that the proper temperature for the evenings is a brisk 55 degrees. T-shirt weather!

Come Sunday morning, we were still in the clear with our thermostat reading a stifling 56 degrees! I finally decided to crank on the heat though, as the news report included frost and some snowflakes in the area. Now, as the temperature warms back up this week, I’m left with the cold.

1 comment:

tduffy said...

It's brilliant!