Friday, October 23, 2009

Oh Deer! I'm Late!

A long time ago, I realized that no matter how much time I give myself I will always be running just a couple of minutes late. If I give myself extra time, I will somehow dawdle my time away and am left running out the door.

It leaves me in a constant state of hurry, but unlike a certain white rabbit, it doesn’t bother me too much. Instead it just leaves me thinking, “Aww shucks! I’m going to be late. At least it’s nothing important.”

Today, I actually headed out the door early. I was all set for a good morning and what would surely be a great day… all because I was ahead of schedule. Then, as I was cruising up to some flashing police lights, fate stepped in and I would be late yet again.

I was forced to a screeching halt so as not to rear-end the screeching halt of the car before me. Two cops were stopping traffic both ways, gathering unknowing spectators for a show that was about to start. One was carrying a very sophisticated rifle… I know it was sophisticated because it was all black! He led our attention to the grassy median where a baby deer looked back curiously from the ground. Its leg was covered in blood. The police officer positioned himself about five feet from the deer. Thirty seconds of morbid expectation later, the gun sounded.

They then waved traffic on, the show was over. I’m not much of a gun-loving woodsman, but I understand that there is an over-population of deer. Hunting is somewhat of a necessity. I get it, but right in front of me, really?

The deer had been hit by a car. He was probably thinking, “There is a serious over-population of cars around here.” I just might have to agree with him on that one – if it weren’t for all these cars, I’d have no problem getting to work on time. Then maybe I could finally put that white rabbit to rest.

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