Monday, October 26, 2009

Planning My Day

My list of links includes Joel Achenbach, who writes a blog for the Washington Post that can be found on the Opinions page of their website. Today, among the important-sounding headlines of, "Resilient Baghdad," "The Public Plan Mirage," " Think Before Surging," and "Palin vs. Collins in NY's 23rd," was one titled, "Planning My Day."

I knew instantly that this was more my speed. And upon reading it, I feel that Mr. Achenbach wonderfully words how life should be.

Now if this were some ordinary blog, I would copy and paste this piece from the Post and hope that it pleases you too, but, nay, not I! Something of this calibre is deserving of so much more! That's why I proudly present, my first ever, theatrical reading:
Editor's Note: I had such grand plans for this, but when I got home from work my cameraman was much sicker than when I left her this morning. (Get Well, Tiff!) So I only did one take... I wish it weren't so dark. I also was hoping to get a Masterpiece Theatre feel going, but I didn't at all.And I messed up the two best lines!! - "Chili should be improvisational, kind of like the day itself..." how true, how true.

1 comment:

tduffy said...

Bravo! Bravo!