I am still thinking up ideas for what to do with my first $100 check from Google. I've started concentrating on one idea but haven't done much towards it yet, so I'll still keep throwing out ideas.
- I could take the money back to the County Fair to revisit the coin pusher that made all of this possible. I would say “Thanks, Coin Pusher.” I could try out some of the tips people have commented about… although most of the comments would not be very helpful. Recently I got a comment that I had to translate from Chinese and I think something might have been lost in translation. “Not a pen-hold of people.” After some thought, I am guessing that means it wasn’t crowded, which was true, but good, clean fun like the County Fair can only be crowded with fun. The coin pusher tent was a pen-hold of good times. This could be good though as it wouldn’t need to be the full $100, so I’d have a little left to play with.
- I could play a little game with the money, similar to the guy who started with a red paper clip and traded up and up until he owned a home. This could be interesting in a way, but I believe the guy with a paper clip wound up in central Canada . They probably don’t even know what a coin pusher is in central Canada ! They would call them Loonie Pushers.
Back on track and similar to the trading up idea, I could invest in something and follow it here on this blog! Invest might be the wrong word as the stock market is not what I’m thinking of. When I was a kid, I heard this story in Sunday school about these three brothers who were each given money from their father who was going on vacation. They were expected to return the money when he returned. One brother bought two cows or something like that and in the end had five cows that it sold for a profit. Another brother bought seeds and sold the grain. The third brother buried the money and returned it all to his father in the end, and he was shamed. Yep, Sunday school is where I learned all my business savvy. I would need a plan for this though that would fit in my $100 budget.
- I have been wanting to participate in Kiva.org for a long time now. The website essentially brings the glorious world of microfinance into your living room… sort of. I’ll admit that my hesitation is one of greed. Microfinance provides small loans to entrepreneurial folks around the world… the key being that they are very small loans. The website is a charity rather than a business, though, so if I loaned my $105.24, I would receive $105.24 at the end of the term. Even if I received an extra couple of bucks, say I got $107 at the end, it would be a lot more fun. Plus, I think they still do charge interest – a lot of interest – I’m just not sure where that money goes.
As far as the blog goes though, this could work well as I believe you receive notes about how their business is doing along with regular payments. It would all be pretty exciting.
That’s three more and I still don’t feel like I have a good list of potential topics yet. All this scheming might have to come to a close. I might have a few more ideas though.
Hmmm… I’m thinking now the third brother was probably the holy one.
You should use $20 and join the Little League Fantasy Football group. You could turn that $20 into another $100 and a sweet trophy.
We want more Muted Guerrilla!!! It's been over a month since your last post. Please give us something!
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