Now that I've got a year at this new job of mine under my belt, I think I've had enough time to pinpoint my favorite part about my job. My lunch break. The job's not bad, it's just this is the first job I've had where I get an hour away from everything work-related. It's a pretty good feeling.
Most folks at my office take their breaks and get their lunches and hunker down at the desks and maybe chit-chat or do something important or I don't know what, but they stay at work. Not me, I do whatever I can to spend my break away from anything work related. That's why my lunch break is a good thing. What makes my lunch break even better is this:
Most folks at my office take their breaks and get their lunches and hunker down at the desks and maybe chit-chat or do something important or I don't know what, but they stay at work. Not me, I do whatever I can to spend my break away from anything work related. That's why my lunch break is a good thing. What makes my lunch break even better is this:
At lunch time, there's usually not too many people there. Sure, there are always a few people fishing... although I've never seen anybody catch a fish there... ever. There's usually the one parent with two or three kids disturbing the peace of the geese or creating a duck ruckus. And, rain or shine, warm or cold, there's always the guy with the sporty blue car, throwing a yellow plastic toy into the lake for his big brown dog to go fetch it. But all in all, it's just quiet and peaceful.
A few days ago, there was a new person in the mix. An artist - easel and all - had set up shop right where I usually sit. At first, I was a bit annoyed as I had to sit a little farther away than normal, but now I think it's kind of cool. I don't know who she was - nor am I all that curious - and the painting may not amount to much, but for me, it shows I'm doing something right. I found a place I like and somebody else liked it too. Yep, it's the simple things in life.
Now, when it rains, I go to Subway. They don't have "employees," they have "sandwich-artists." Ah, the simple things... the simple things.